CLC 4 Gina Finazzo

Climate Leadership Certificate Logo

The Climate Leadership Certificate provides the training and experience needed for students to apply a variety of skills to critical work in climate action and justice, as well as other vital areas of sustainability, including social justice, economic vitality, and well-being. Throughout the one-and-a-half year program, students engage in curriculum targeted at sustainability literacy, planning, and leadership, while also participating in hands-on practicum work with a variety of sustainability organizations in Whatcom County and the Methow Valley.

 About the Certificate Donate 2021-2022 Cohort 2022-2023 Cohort 2023-2024 Cohort 

 2024-2025 Cohort Senior Projects

Gina Finazzo

Gina's Family Picture

For this program, I am looking forward to getting more involved at Western and shifting my focus toward what career path I want to pursue through the College of the Environment. I am also excited to meet with like-minded people in a setting where it will be comfortable because we will be together for two years. When it comes to what I want to do within the program, it's important to me that I acknowledge I don't know everything there is to know about climate action, but I want to learn as much as I can and experience as much as possible in the next two years. 

I'm not entirely sure what I want to do for my dream job, but I know I want to work with people, possibly in education or just some form of community outreach. I want to be in a job where I can create personal relationships with the people I work with while also having extreme care and fulfillment in the work that we do. I want to see what career I could make the most impact in and I'm hoping through this program I will get to see a broad view of the possibilities I have with my degree.