Campus Micromobility Counters

Campus Micromobility Counters

Amount Awarded: $99,185.00 

Academic Year: 2022-2023 

Implementation: Active, Spring 2023 – Fall 2023

Full Application: Link

Categories: Built Environment Curriculum and Research Transportation

Micromobility can be defined as any transportation using lightweight vehicles, such as bicycles, scooters, and other electric or people-powered devices. As transportation has one of the highest impacts on our planet, these devices can help drastically reduce the impact of getting people where they need to go in both direct emissions and the impact of land uses designed for cars. 

This grant funded the installation of three micromobility counters on major bike routes on WWU’s campus in an effort to collect data on micromobility ridership. This will allow campus and regional planners, as well as decision makers, to have the data necessary to understand current use patterns and determine how changes over time to programming and infrastructure can affect ridership. Additionally, data from this project will be available to the general public and can be used for educational purposes in planning and data analysis classes and Western and other institutions. 

The counters would also have visual displays so that the Western community would clearly see how many people use micromobility devices to get around on campus on a daily basis. The hope is that these displays allow riders to see the positive impact of riding a micromobility device, as well as to encourage others to participate.