Greenhouse Gas Inventory

Western tracks its greenhouse gas emissions through Sustainability Indicator Management and Analysis Platform (SIMAP), an internationally used campus-specific greenhouse gas tracking platform. Although SIMAP methodologies and Western’s tracking methodologies have changed since Western began using the platform to track emissions in 2013, this data provides a general picture of how Western’s emissions compare over time.  

There are some limitations to Western’s greenhouse gas tracking methodology. For instance, Western does not adequately track scope three emissions, which include emissions released from assets that are not owned or controlled by Western, but that Western contributes to through other activities, such as purchasing, commuting, travel, or waste generation.  

For more detailed information about Western’s GHG inventory, please contact Kate Beck.

Western’s Carbon Emissions, Fiscal Year 2023 as tracked on SIMAP 

A pie chart illustrating the breakdown of carbon emissions for the fiscal year 2023, with major categories including on-campus fuel use, commuting, and air travel.

Western’s Nitrogen Emissions, Fiscal Year 2023 as tracked on SIMAP 

A pie chart displaying nitrogen emissions for the fiscal year 2023, showing various sources such as stationary sources, commuting, and business travel.

Western’s carbon emissions are broken down into scope 1, 2, and 3 emissions. Scope 1 emissions are direct GHG emissions that are released from sources that are owned by Western, for example, emissions associated with Western-owned furnaces or vehicles. Scope 2 emissions are GHG emissions associated with Western’s purchase of electricity, heat, or cooling. As described above, scope 3 emissions are emissions released from assets that are not owned or controlled by Western, but that Western contributes to through other activities, such as purchasing, commuting, travel, or waste generation. The graph below shows changes in Western’s scope 1, 2, and 3 emissions tracked on SIMAP from FY2015 – 2022.  

Western’s Carbon Emissions, 2013-2023, as Tracked on SIMAP 

A stacked bar chart showing Western's carbon emissions from 2013 to 2023, categorized by Scope 1 (blue), Scope 2 (green), and Scope 3 (gray)

Western’s Nitrogen Emissions, 2013-2023, as Tracked on SIMAP 

A stacked bar chart depicting nitrogen emissions from 2013 to 2023, categorized by Scope 1 (blue), Scope 2 (green), and Scope 3 (gray)